Document Type : Original Research Article


1 Department of Environmental Engineering-Water and Wastewater Engineering, Qatar University, Qatar

2 Department of Environmental Engineering-Water and Wastewater Engineering, Moscow University, Russia


With the advancement of science and progress in the construction of drilling machines, the widespread use of drilling machines instead of fire operations for underground drilling has become widely used. In mechanized drilling, tools and machines are used to dig underground spaces and its main goal is to achieve high speed in the construction and digging of these spaces. Drilling operation is one of the costliest operations in underground excavations. On the other hand, there is a lot of limitation in choosing a drilling machine, or in other words, there is no flexibility in choosing a drilling machine, i.e. in one project, using several drilling machines is less used due to economic discussion and high cost of drilling machines. Therefore, the type of machine and drilling machinery must be specified before the operation. In choosing the type of drilling machine, its study and efficiency is one of the most important factors. As a result, studying the performance and efficiency of each drilling machine is one of the most vital factors in underground excavations. Here, the discussion is not about the determining factors in choosing the type of device, but the performance of intestinal drilling rig and TBM has been studied separately.

Graphical Abstract

Investigation and Evaluation of Executive Quality of Drilling Machines in Iran's Oil Industry


Main Subjects

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